Endowment Logo


Note from the Endowment Committee


Looking for a meaningful yet easy way to be more involved at St. John’s? Consider being part of the Endowment Committee. We meet once every 2 months for less than an hour. It’s only a 6-hour commitment per year. If you’re interested contact Holly Huseth at mark-holly@comcast.net for more information. If you don’t have the time, you can always contribute with donations to be used for college scholarships, worldwide crisis relief, building funds and much more. Contribution forms are available on the St. John's website or upon request.


Gifts and Memorials


Members and friends of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church may give tax deductible gifts to the church in one of the following ways:

  •  In memory of: A friend or loved one
  •  In honor of:
  •  To the Glory of God 

Gifts may be in the form of cash, checks, stock or property and may be either designated (examples include the Building Fund for gifts to the kitchen or library; the Furnishings Fund for organ or piano gifts or the Programming Fund for music, youth or scholarships – for more information please contact a member of the Endowment Committee) or undesignated gifts, the Memorial Committee will determine which designation will receive the funds.


All gifts will be acknowledged and, unless the donor wishes to remain anonymous, will be entered in a permanent register.


To make a memorial or gift, please complete the form which can be found outside the church office and front entrance and place it in the collection plate or leave it at the church office.  

Endowment Gifts & Memorial Form 


You may also go online to www.stjohns-shakopee.com.  Click on "Online Giving".  Then type in a dollar amount in the "Endowment Fund" field.  There is an optional field to designate that the donation is in memory of ________________________.


Thank you for your support!

Please contact the church office with any questions at 952-445-5666.



© 2025 St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church
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